Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rapture Vs. Birthday

     As many of you are aware, this past Saturday was supposed to mark the beginning of the rapture. This past Saturday was also my nineteenth birthday... so that rocked. I actually hadn't begun hearing about the rapture madness until two or three days before when I was watching Chelsea Lately and she began discussing the subject. According to Harold Camping, the man who made the prediction, only 3% of the world's population would have been taken to heaven on my birthday and the rest of the world's population would spend five months suffering through plague and earthquakes and terror and eventually go to hell. I have always been extremely skeptical about these "end of the world" theories, but there's always that little voice in the back of my head that says, "what would happen if shit really went down?" So these are my interpretations of my birthday vs. The Rapture.

Nothing Actually Happens And Life Goes On As Expected (Most Likely)


Rapture Happens and I Convince Jesus To Take Me To Heaven

Rapture happens, I attempt to persuade Jesus into postponing, but Kanye West Interrupts me. 



Anonymous said...

Do you know what's better than this? Hyperbole and a Half. Nice job trying to imitate her. You're super cool, yo.

jewel said...

Hello Anonymous, I do read Hyperbole and a Half. I would definitely say I am inspired by her, but not imitating her since my stories are unique to my life. However yes, I am inspired by her (as well as many 4Chan members and writers who also inspire Allie... I encourage you to take a look. I'm sure you would enjoy them.) Allie herself has said she enjoys that other people have been inspired by her to do shitty artwork on their blogs. But never have I copied her work or another person's work. The way art works it that people are inspired by other people. Hemmingway's great work "For Whom The Bell Tolls" was inspired by a poem by John Donne of the same name. If you expected only one person to do one type of writing or one type of blogging, there would be very little to read and Hyperbole and A Half would actually not exist since she was also inspired by someone else, yo. If you do not enjoy my work, don't read it. It's very easy. But if you want to refine yourself to "unique" blogs... I wish you the best of luck in the world because every blogger was inspired by another blogger.